疊紋域境 Moire structure on a glass floor “Rumours of Chinatown” exhibition, Taipei, 2004 16 5 月, 2017WORKSBy sophia
BET ON TAIWAN: B.O.T NATION 2010 Bet On Taiwan: 國家識別品牌 A B.O.T (Buit-Operate-Transfer) SPOOF POLICY “Rumours of Chinatown” exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, 2004 15 5 月, 2017WORKSBy sophia
不再複製成功建築,讓台北更加創意:張淑征 Grace Cheung at TEDxTaipei Grace speaks about Urbanmatic at TEDxTaipei! 1 5 月, 2017NewsBy sophia